This is an experimental video that explores the theme of multifacetedness. It’s sometimes hard to figure out who a person really is since as multi-faceted individuals, our personalities are constantly changing. The change that one sees might also depend on his/her own perspective of seeing and way of interacting with people. Nevertheless, this is where people evolve, and change itself is always an eternal thing. Perhaps what people need is to try to accept every single part of their loved ones.
In this video, I want to show the diverse faces of my grandma in a visual form. She always played a benign role when I was a child. That’s what I call the “classic mode” of her which is shown in the frontal part of the scene. However, she could also be cute, capricious, or even less approachable. Those confusing or mysterious personalities are unfolded in the distorting images as the camera moves to the other side of the scene. Sometimes I'm afraid of discovering the unfamiliar sides of my loved ones since there might be things about them that will find unacceptable. However, I gradually realize that as complex humans with complex souls, it's inevitable for us to wear many different hats during any given day, thus making us up for who we are as people. In the end, embrace the diversity of both others and yourself. Embrace the change!
Creating Process
The virtual scene in the video was created in Epic Games - Unreal Engine 4. The figure was shot in front of a green screen and then put into that virtual world.